12 March 2025 10:00

Changes in Group Management and in the Swedish operations

Press release
12 March 2025 at 10:00 CET

As part of the merger and the further development of the Assemblin Caverion Group, a new management structure has been created to ensure an efficient and effective execution of our ambitious strategy and business plans. The Swedish operations are being reorganised so that the four Swedish operations are coordinated as one combined division to create further collaboration, synergies and customer focus. A new management group is being introduced, while the existing Executive Management Team is being expanded.  

Changes in the Swedish operations

To ensure smooth coordination, the Swedish operations are being brought together in a new, combined division (Division Sweden). The existing four operations (Assemblin Electrical, Assemblin Heating & Sanitation, Assemblin Ventilation and Caverion Sweden) will continue to operate as independent business areas. The new division will be headed by Fredrik Allthin, current CEO Assemblin Electrical, EVP.

“It is important to emphasise that the Swedish operating units will continue to operate independently in line with our decentralised operating model, but to further strengthen our market leading position in Sweden, and to be able to capture our full potential, a certain amount of coordination is required. I am very pleased that this division will be run by Fredrik Allthin, who has strong confidence in all the Swedish business areas”, says Mats Johansson, Group President and CEO. 

Management changes in the Group

As a complement to the existing Executive Management Team (EMT), Assemblin Caverion Group establishes a new management group, the Executive Committee (EC). The EC will focus more on long-term strategic issues. At the same time the existing Executive Management Team (EMT) is expanded to include all group function managers as well as division and business area managers. 

“After almost a year together and an excellent start, we are entering a new phase that requires a slightly adjusted management structure. To ensure that all perspectives are taken into account in decision-making, we are broadening the EMT, while safeguarding an efficient management structure through a supplementary EC,” comments Mats Johansson.

After the above mentioned changes take effect on 1 April 2025, the new EC will consist of Mats Johansson, Group President and CEO, Jacob Götzsche, Executive Chairman, Fredrik Allthin, CEO Assemblin Caverion in Sweden, EVP, Philip Carlsson, Group CFO, Elina Kaura, Group General Counsel, EVP, Manfred Simmet, CEO Caverion Germany and Austria, EVP, Torkil Skancke Hansen, CEO Assemblin Caverion in Norway, EVP, Ville Tamminen, CEO Caverion Finland, EVP, and Jaakko Wacklin, Head of Group Operational and Commercial Performance, EVP.

The EMT will, in addition to the members of the EC, consist of Andreas Aristiadis, CEO Assemblin Heating & Sanitation, EVP, Åsvor Brynnel, Head of Communications and Sustainability, EVP, Jarl Cornell, Head of Strategy, Håkan Ekvall, CEO Assemblin Ventilation, EVP, Anders Fagerkrantz, CEO Caverion Sweden, EVP, Tero Kosunen, CEO Fidelix, EVP, Carsten Sørensen, CEO Caverion Denmark, EVP, Liisa Vasben, Head of Group HR, and Peter Weberberger, Head of Group IT.

For more information about current members in the EMT, please visit assemblincaverion.com

For further information, contact: 

Mats Johansson, Group President and CEO, Assemblin Caverion Group, mats.e.johansson@assemblin.se, +46 10 475 39 60
Åsvor Brynnel, EVP Sustainability, HR and Communications, Assemblin Caverion Group, asvor.brynnel@assemblin.se, +46 10 475 39 48

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